“Out of the Box”

                                                                                                                                                        There is a particular fish in Tonga called ‘Lokua’ that lives in little pools of water near the ocean, but is oblivious to the deep blue. For the ‘Lokua’ the little reef ponds are it’s sea, and that’s pretty much what my world view consisted of. It was only when I chose to ride out in the current of new possibilities, which then carried me beyond my hometown Tonga, that my ‘Lokua’ vision began to expand.

Each of us is given the opportunity to move out of our comfort zones, our known surroundings and truly begin to experience growth. This journey of pruning is challenging, and only a few of us choose to embrace it. The resultant process though daunting, promises the reward of getting closer to who we were meant to be – our unique selves.

Kupesis are traditional Tongan motifs and resonate the culture of Tonga. The use of the ‘Fata-‘o-Tu’i Tonga’ in this painting is symbolic of my roots, and the myriad experiences I have had so far.

Mediums and material used:

Tapa: is made by beating the bark of the Tongan Mulberry tree for hours, until thin strips finally flatten and stretch out. These pieces are then joined together firmly to form a canvas like surface.

Tongo Ink: is made from the extracted fluid of Mangrove bark and roots. 

Size of Painting: 34.79 cm length  x 37.33 cm breadth (13.7 in x 14.7 in)

Email: glorytogod23@gmail.com

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