The Lion and the Lamb- Prophetic Art Series

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13.

Medium: Ink pen and acrylic on canvas coated art paper

Prints and Original artwork available at: Click Here to purchase

Size: 11.5 inches (length) x 16.3 inches (breadth)

Throughout biblical history, there is mention of offering an unblemished lamb to GOD for the remission of sins. Each time man displeased his Creator, he would make amends by offering a flawless little lamb as a sacrifice. Every time we sin, we are separated from our just and righteous Creator. GOD knew that if we were ever to be in a relationship with HIM again for eternity; it would require a far bigger sacrifice than the blood of a mortal lamb.

Power and authority empower, but they make even the most discerning and ‘mindful’ person swell up a bit in pride. Now imagine if this power and authority gave one dominion over the whole earth and beyond? I suspect even the most scrupulous person would be led into some self-gratification. JESUS was the exception to this.

Unconditional love was most obvious in this world when JESUS the son of GOD laid down HIS righteous, blemish free human life willingly, so that you and I could be reunited with our Creator. My painting depicts JESUS the son of GOD Almighty, in the nature of a slain lamb that HE willingly embraced and also as the conquering Lion of Judah, which is how HE will return in HIS second coming, soon.


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